
Showing posts from October, 2022

No Barrier Shopping: Barcelona Markets for Disabled Travellers

 No Barrier Shopping: Barcelona Markets for Disabled Travellers   Travel & Tourism Planning holidays for disabled travellers can sometimes be a bit difficult – not everything is made for those with special needs. Some of the things any holidaymaker looks forward to the most when going on their travels are relaxing on a beach and, of course, shopping – why not spend some time (and money) at these great markets in Barcelona? Not only are they historic, but they’re also easily accessible for those with physical handicaps. Read on for the three most disability-friendly markets Spain has to offer. Santa Caterina Market Santa Caterina is as much a work of art as it is a place to purchase fresh fruits and veg. With its unique and colourful roof, gorgeous architecture (both the traditional interior and the modern exterior) and an outstanding selection of food stalls and restaurants, it is a perfect addiction to any foodie’s travel itinerary. Accessibility •Getting in: Outside  the pavement

Clinch process uses clinch press in a wide range of industrial processes

 Clinch process uses clinch press in a wide range of industrial processes   Business Several processes exist in a mechanical engineering environment . Each one is important and unique. Based on the product, work procedure, and automation, each manufacturing unit supports different process. Clinching is a wonderful process that connects two or four layers of metallic sheets by making a circular, button like connection. Joining sheets of several thicknesses is possible. Clinching supports a variety of materials, including stainless steel. Metal sheets are joined using a mechanical interlocking made by a punch and die. The method is widely used in applications such that washing machine cabinets, disk brakes, manufacturing computer chassis and airbag housing. You need a high-quality clinching press that can achieve prominent levels of precision and accuracy to produce excellent items. Why is clinching  process used popularly? When we produce the stuff using clinching process, it doesn’t ha